Here's a list of projects I've done sorted by categories:
Android Apps

Superior Time System
I was introduced to decimal time and thought it was a much more intuitive time system to use. I also stumbled upon Internation Fixed Calendar and thought it was pretty neat. Now whenever people see the widgets on my phone, they can ask me why it's 7.68 or why the date doesn't look right. This was built using Kotlin and Android Studio.

Cup of Ice
There's a friend I see about twice a year. Each time I see her we get bubble tea which contains ice. Shaking the cup of ice at her is an inside joke. This app was made to simulate that experience since I can't shake a cup of ice at her when I don't have a cup of ice. This was built using Kotlin and Android Studio.

Duber Paint
This was made during COVID when we were realizing it's a lot easier to discuss ideas when we had a whiteboard and could all just draw on it. To get around the lack of being able to draw on whiteboards together during COVID, we created a paint app where you could join rooms and draw with your friends.

Hackathon project. Video streaming service for environmentally friendly subjects. Neat features include comments, being able to share via QR code, using an AI API to categorize videos, and spam detection.

Hackathon project for teaching American sign language. Debugging this made me fluent in the ASL alphabet for about 3 days.

Primes as a Service
A totally not scam service that emails you a prime number that you purchase (and yes I'm aware 32 and 27 are not prime numbers).

Rhino's Quest
Hackathon project my friends and I made with three years worth of lore. It was nice to finally implement it. We built it with Godot 4.0 and GDScript. I got to play with fun concepts like non linear acceleration in game gravity.
A Cheesy Tail
A text based choose your own adventure game my friend and I made because I wanted to play with Inkle. Contains about two years worth of lore.
CTF Writeups
PicoCTF 2021
My team's writeup for PicoCTF 2021. This was the first writeup I've ever written. The aim was to write a beginner friendly writeup.
angstromCTF 2021
Applied Cyber Security's writeups for angstromCTF 2021. The writeup template I created for angstromCTF 2021 ended up being the writeup template ACS used for several other writeups.
PicoMini 2022
Writeups that were intended for teaching high schoolers basic CTF concepts
A CS course I was taking had "which of the following is not a VSCode extension" as a multiple choice question. Obviously that was too good of an opportunity to pass up so here we are with a VSCode extension with the name of the previously right answer (the question had to be changed to "which of these VSCode extensions has the least downloads")

We tried to make a Discord bot that plays music and it ended up being able to do everything except for playing music (can pull data for YouTube, etc.) so instead of scrapping it, we decided to submit it as a joke. People like it. We also realized later it was missing intents after Discord API updates but at that point, it's too funny to bother fixing.

Our calendar Chrome extension built for your weird friend that can't focus on things that aren't spinning and RGB or are permanently upside down. Helps you see the world in various different angles and colours!