
Key Hacker allows you to take over someone's keyboard with consent.

Project layout

LICENSES            # Licensed under the MIT licenses
mkdocs.yml          # The configuration file.
README.md           # You might want to read me
requirements.txt    # Packages needed to run this
    index.md        # The documentation homepage.
    ...             # Other markdown pages, images and other files.
        main.html   # HTML file for the theme which just inherits from mkdocs theme
    key_hacker/     # The src folder except it isn't called src
        classes/    # Classes used
        interface/  # The client side "interfaces"
        modules/    # Random misc functions the server uses that got tossed here instead of in the server
        client.py   # The client file
        server.py   # The server file
    scripts/        # Contains some scripts that might save time and be useful but probably won't