PicoCTF 2021 Writeups

our team's writeups for the 2021 PicoCTF competition

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What's your input


Points: 50 Category: Binary Exploitation Note: very sketchy writeup because I don't know why what I did got a flag, it just worked


We'd like to get your input on a couple things. Think you can answer my questions correctly? in.py nc mercury.picoctf.net 61858.


  1. What version of python am I running?


nc mercury.picoctf.net 61858 to connect to server. I took a look at in.py and noticed the city variable would be something that's unavailable to us. Upon careful inspection, it seems no matter what number is given, as long as it isn't nothing (or not a number) then it will continue onto the next section. I didn't know which cities were in the file city_names.txt so I just inputted "city" and it gave a flag.

