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Contains thought process and solution code for some of the CCC questions I've solved. Thought process will be in a markdown file, code will likely be in C++ Java and Python unless I get lazy and exclude one of those languages. This is an attempt to aim at being as easily comprehensible as possible so that I will be able to know what the heck I was doing when I look back at it later.

All questions can be found here. The official grader is here
Click on the year to expand

Problem Name
S1 Party Invitation
S2 Assigning Partners
S3 The Geneva Confection
Problem Name
S1 Zero That Out
S2 Jerseys
S3 Gates
Problem Name
S1 Ragaman
S2 Tandem Bicycle
Problem Name
S2 High Tide, Low Tide
S3 Nailed It!
Problem Name
J5 Choose your own path
S2 Sunflowers
Problem Name
J4 Flipper
S1 Flipper
S2 Pretty Average Primes
Problem Name
J5 Escape Room
S1 Surmising a Sprinter's Speed
S2 Escape Room
Problem Name
S1 Crazy Fencing
S2 Modern Art


Use issues to point out problems with current code (eg. TLE or some error occurs), say some part of whatever code/solution writeup is unclear, or bully me into adding a writeup to a specific problem. I will only care if the solution doesn't pass on the official grader (ignoring the existence of other sites that have added CCC questions). True, this is mostly intended for myself but I see no reason for this to exist without others being able to learn from it.